Sell Your Business To Build Generational Wealth

I was privileged to be a guest on Catherine Morgan's top-rated podcast, It's not about the money. Catherine, a skilled financial planner and money coach, delved with me into a mutual passion of ours: building generational wealth.

The lack of comprehensive information on generational wealth in both the online and educational spheres is striking. During our discussion, we addressed the criticality of planning an exit strategy for your business. Scaling your venture with an eye to selling is, in our opinion, the zenith of creating generational wealth. As entrepreneurial trailblazers, we are not just setting up businesses – we're crafting legacies. The ripples of our ventures can be felt across generations if we strategize effectively.

In our chat, we explored:

  • Mindset Transformation: The art of detaching from your business, facilitating a more objective view on selling.

  • Networking with Investors: The immense value of building solid investor relationships. (I cannot emphasize this enough!)

  • Optimal Business Structures: Identifying the structure that best suits your growth trajectory.

  • Recurring Revenue's Role: The undeniable impact of recurring revenue in enhancing a business's value, especially in the service sector.

Eager to dive deeper? Tune into our 51-minute conversation. I firmly believe our conversation will resonate with many aspiring entrepreneurs and business leaders.

Lien De Pau

I’m a trailblazing freedompreneur-turned-investor. I’m the force behind The Big Exit, aiming to educate one million small business owners on making their business exit-ready. I’m also an angel investor, bestselling author, serial entrepreneur and Forbes contributor.


Creating A Business That Operates Independently Of You


Envisioning Your Future: What Is Your Exit Plan?