The Secret To Selling A Personal Branded Business

Recently, I had the pleasure of joining the remarkable Rose Radford, an ex-McKinsey consultant turned award-winning CEO, on her acclaimed podcast 'Grow to CEO'.

For those pondering the intricacies of how to craft a sellable business, this episode is an enlightening listen. Among our discussions, here's what we delved into:

  • Discovering the Blueprint: My journey from building a lifestyle business to diving into the challenging realm of selling it. It wasn't a planned path, but when I found it, it became a passion.

  • Entrepreneurial Oversights: A deep dive into why many entrepreneurs don't consider selling as an endgame, and how this impacts the foundational structure of their businesses.

  • Rationale of Selling: We explored the multifaceted reasons behind selling a business. Spoiler alert: Whatever your reason might be, it's a VALID one!

  • Decoding the Sales Timeline: Ever wondered, "When is the right time to sell? And at what price?" We answer this critical question, giving you a clearer roadmap.

  • The Personal Brand Conundrum: Selling a personal brand comes with its unique set of challenges. I shared strategies to seamlessly sail through these waters.

  • The Four Pillars of Exit: My trademarked FOUR EXIT HABITS - keys that not only gear up your business for a lucrative sale but also elevate it to such heights that you might reconsider letting it go.

  • The $2 Million Milestone: How surpassing this financial threshold can dramatically alter your business's sellability.

  • Evaluating Revenue Streams: We discussed the value given to different revenue models and highlighted the ones that can multiply your business's value tenfold.

  • Maximizing Your Sale: And, lastly, a golden nugget - the top action you can take right now to ensure you reap the most lucrative rewards when you decide to sell.

Whether your ambition is to grow or to gear up for a sale, this episode is a treasure trove of insights. LISTEN TO THE COMPLETE EPISODE (42min)

To a future without boundaries!

Lien De Pau

I’m a trailblazing freedompreneur-turned-investor. I’m the force behind The Big Exit, aiming to educate one million small business owners on making their business exit-ready. I’m also an angel investor, bestselling author, serial entrepreneur and Forbes contributor.


Why Every Entrepreneur Needs an Exit Strategy: My Personal Journey


Creating A Business That Operates Independently Of You