From Personal To Business Brand: 3 Steps To Shift

Have you built a business based on your personal brand? You might think it can't be sold because it's closely tied to you. This article is here to show you a new viewpoint.

86.3% of small business owners never make more than $100,000 a year because they view themselves as the center of their business. They often do all the client work and think, "No one can do my job better than me."

It's a challenge to build a business earning over 7 figures, especially when your name and face is the brand. But, if you've built a personal brand business, it's not a dead end. You can shift it into a business that can be sold.

Can Personal Brands Be Sold?

People often ask if personal-branded businesses can be sold. The answer is yes. It might need careful planning, but it's possible. Think about successful people like Oprah. Her brand could still work and grow even without her being there every day. The value is not just in the person, but also in what they leave behind, the products they created, and the community around them.

“For years people told me I could not sell my business because I was the face of it. The truth is someone can come in with a different marketing plan, team, and budget. However, if you are the fulfillment, no one wants to buy your business.” Nathan Hirsch, founded and sold and current owner of, and

How to Change From a Personal Brand to a Business Brand

I built and grew my personal-branded business and then shifted it into a company brand. I know the benefits and challenges of this journey. It might seem hard, but there are a fixed set of steps you can take to make it happen. Just know that it's a journey, not a quick change. Your name, face, and energy started and grew your business. Now it's about creating something that lasts beyond you.

How to Create Something That Lasts Beyond Your Name

What's in a name? A lot and a little. Many successful personal brands have grown into something bigger, even after the founder stepped back. Think about performance coach Michael Hyatt, founder of Michael Hyatt, which turned into Michael Hyatt & Company, and is now called Full Focus. It's not about throwing away what you've built, but expanding it so it can grow even without you.

“The company has grown beyond my name,” Michael Hyatt explains the name change. “I'm proud of where we've been and excited about where we're headed. With our commitment to continuous growth, this is the natural next step to even greater company success.”

Graham Stephen, CEO of business valuation specialist firm bizval, points out that building a sellable business begins with a mindset: “How do I ensure that the business can operate independently of me?”

This thinking should be entrenched from the beginning, whether you are still trading off a personal brand, or have already made the shift to a business brand. Their article "How achieving owner independence can skyrocket your business value” highlights the importance of independence.

Furthermore, Graham goes on to point out that this thinking doesn’t just apply to the operational side of things. Trust is the cornerstone of any business and whilst the initial “trust hook” is often based on the credibility of the founder, this needs to transition over time. This is often the hardest step.

Planning Your Shift Strategy

Step 1: Trust in Systems, Not Just Faces

Start by automating your business processes. This will let your brand work well even without you being there all the time.

Business owner Leona Watson explains in her Built To Sell podcast interview that “you need to take yourself out of your business”. She did this by exercising in the morning and not going to the office till noon. This resulted in her “no longer being a distraction to the team”. Then she created procedures instead of “constantly winging it, and then wondering why your team is constantly bothering you with easy-to-answer questions”. The business moved from being in her head, to being in a document that others could use.

“Focus on the boring parts of your business. Hiring, finances and marketing/SEO.” Nathan comments.

Step 2: Bring in New Faces

Slowly bringing in other experts into your marketing, sales and products, is a good way to shift the personal-branded image of your business. Different faces gives your audience more people to connect with and no dependency on you.

Photographer Sue Bryce built a $1M business around her unique photography skills. She always thought about how she could separate herself from her business. She shared a quote in a recent podcast interview that made a big difference in her business: "I am not that important." Think about that for a moment.

Step 3: Make Your Offers the Star

This step is very important! Your products and services, whether they're courses, tools, or something else, should be the main focus of your brand and business. As a small business owner myself, I've experienced feeling overwhelmed with serving clients for half a decade. I eventually took the decision to transform my small venture into a scalable business, helping it grow beyond my personal brand, and providing freedom and the opportunity to sell or exit when ready.

Transitioning to a system where your team handles client work can be challenging In this Forbes article “How I Scaled My Services Beyond Me: A 3-Step Guide” I share how I successfully scaled my services.

Final Thoughts

Changing a personal-branded business into a business that can be sold is possible. It can be an exciting new level of your business journey. Brands change over time. With the right plan and mindset, your personal brand can too.

Looking for more resources? Read our blog post Selling Your Personal Brand: A 7-Figure Exit Plan.

Lien De Pau

I’m a trailblazing freedompreneur-turned-investor. I’m the force behind The Big Exit, aiming to educate one million small business owners on making their business exit-ready. I’m also an angel investor, bestselling author, serial entrepreneur and Forbes contributor.


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