Can Your 7-Figures Personal Brand Be Sold?

I get it. Building a business to multi-7 figures with your name shining bright as the brand is nothing short of an epic journey. I've been in those trenches, hands covered in the mud of late-night decision-making and the sweat of chasing down opportunities. It's a wild ride, isn't it?

But now you're standing atop this empire you've built, looking down the road and wondering

"Can I ever sell a business that's so intertwined with my personal identity?"

I remember my midnight musings, questioning if I'd unintentionally built a golden cage with my name engraved on it. But trust me, you haven't hit a dead end.

The Truth About Personal Brands and Business Value

People often wonder if personal-branded businesses are sellable. The truth? Absolutely. But it requires some finesse and strategic planning. Think about icons like Oprah and how her brand could still be operational, even without her at the helm every day. The value is in the legacy, the products, the systems, and the community.

Personal Brand vs. Company Brand: Making the Shift

Having built, scaled, and shifted my own personal-branded business, I've experienced the magic and challenges of the journey. Transitioning might seem daunting, but it's about leveraging trust. It's a journey, not just a switch to flick. Your name, face, and energy gave your business its initial push, but now, it's about creating a legacy bigger than just one individual.

Legacy Beyond Your Name

What's in a name? Everything and nothing. There are successful case studies out there showing how personal brands transition into something even larger after the founder steps away. It's not about discarding what you've built, but expanding it.

Your Strategy Moving Forward:

  1. Trust in Systems, Not Just Faces
    Start with automating and systemizing your business processes, so that the brand can function without you.

  2. Introduce New Faces
    Gradually introduce other experts or personalities into your brand to diversify its image.

  3. Productize Your Offerings
    This is the gold! Your offerings, courses, tools, whatever they may be - make them the stars too.

  4. Seek Feedback
    Sometimes, someone outside the frame can see the full picture better. It was invaluable for me and can be for you too.

Final Thoughts

Scaling to sell a personal-branded business is not only possible; it's a thrilling new chapter in your entrepreneurial journey. And while it feels personal because, well, it is personal – remember, brands evolve. With the right strategy, your personal brand can too.

Till next time, keep dreaming big and remember – your name started this journey, but your legacy will keep it going.

Lien De Pau

I’m a trailblazing freedompreneur-turned-investor. I’m the force behind The Big Exit, aiming to educate one million small business owners on making their business exit-ready. I’m also an angel investor, bestselling author, serial entrepreneur and Forbes contributor.


Scaling Your Business With An Investor Mindset


From 'Being' Your Business To 'Owning' It