The Big Exit Community,
for owners looking to sell.

We are an exclusive network of ambitious small business owners seeking a life-changing exit, by multiplying the value of their business and getting it exit-ready.

This is where you belong

At the Big Exit Community, we’re creating the world’s most strategic network
of small business owners -looking to sell in the next 3 years -and
creating connections to your buyer, investor, and fellow owner to last a lifetime…


“The Big Exit provided me with confidence and clarity on structuring our business for sales and meeting potential acquirers.”

— Marco G.


“Amazing education that takes you through the full process of selling your business.”

— Sam B.


“Very practical and methodical, a step-by-step approach — totally worth my time.”

— Stefan I.

Give yourself
an unfair advantage

By joining the Big Exit Community, you’ll give yourself an edge
against everyone out there trying to sell their business.

You’ll pick up modern strategies in the course, and even more powerful connections in the community. It’s like getting an MBA you’ll actually use to become a savvy business owner who exited for a life-changing amount.

The Big Exit Favicon

Personalized Exit Success Plan

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Buyer & Investor Matchmaking

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Private Community

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Independent Business Valuation

The Big Exit Favicon

Weekly Experts & Insights Calls

The Big Exit Favicon

Exiteer Circle

Small Business Selling


Small Business Selling Course

The Big Exit Community comes with a self-guided course that teaches you to value, get exit-ready and sell your small business.

It’s like a $100k MBA…but one you’ll actually use, and 1/10th of the investment.

We’ll share our licensed framework for valuing your business to make sure you’re understanding its current value.

You’ll learn the opportunities to multiply the value of your business, based on our in-house developed methodology.

We’ll go over how to prepare for a sale and start the selling process.

We’ll end with identifying what kinds of buyers to approach based on your goals, and how to find them.





Course Outline

Selling any small business

Value your business

Get exit-ready

Know your buyers
and deal structures

After the sale

Why sell
Why sell now

Common methods for valuation
How we value businesses: licensed framework for valuing your business
Multipliers and sectors
Understanding its current value
Access to our licensed and confidential AI-powered valuation tool

Our in-house developed methodology
Opportunities to multiply the value of your business
Access to our big exit assessment
AI generated Personalized Exit Success Plan (valued at $5.000)
How to prepare your business for a sale

Identifying what kinds of buyers you should approach,
based on your goals and their goals
To earn-out or not?
Building your selling support team (brokers, lawyers & financial experts)
How to find buyers and approach them

First 90 days as an exited entrepreneur
Conscious investing: you got the check, now what?

Meet your

community facilitator

As the founder and CEO of The Big Exit, Lien helps small business owners to multiply the value of their business, get it exit-ready and sell it for a life-changing amount of money.

She’s a serial and exited entrepreneur who has helped 1.000+ small business owners in scaling to exit. Bottom line: Lien knows her stuff. She created The Big Exit to help 1 million small business owners in selling their business.

Will you be the next one?

Lien De Pau

Lien De Pau


  • The Big Exit Community is a private global community for small business owners who want to learn the art of making their business exit-ready and selling it for a life-changing amount of money. It also includes our full Small Business Selling Course, all resources, live expert calls each week and access to potential buyers.

  • We currently are only accepting business owners who are committed to selling their business in the next 3 to 5 years and have a minimum of $10.000 to invest. Those are our bare minimum requirements. Beyond that, we will also evaluate your business track record and likelihood of success.

  • For 2024 we aim to have 35 members across the world. Most of our members are looking to get their business exit-ready and actively working toward it. We also have people who are already exited business owners and want to scale their next masterpiece.

    You’ll be surrounded by people from all areas of life, in all stages of the journey, who are just as ambitious as you. Everyone in the Big Exit Community is working toward common goals: scaling their small business to sell it for a life-changing amount of money.

  • It’s everything you need to go from “I know nothing about selling a business” to becoming a successful exited business owner. We are constantly adding to and improving our Community, but as of December 2023, it includes:

    Private community

    This is where the magic happens. We’ve had members meet their buyers, become best friends, and tap the community for expert guidance and accountability. Members are small business owners in education, e-commerce, consulting, professional service firms and beyond. Forget about the small talk – we’re on LinkedIn getting it done.

    Weekly live calls (every Monday)

    Our weekly group calls are where we review your exit-readiness, hear about businesses members who sold, share exclusive industry insights, market trends, and forecasts, and we invite other top exit experts to come and speak with us. These range from small business brokers to business attorneys, merger and acquisition specialists, exited business owners, small business buyers and more. It’s a ton of knowledge and a lot of fun.

    Personalized Exit Success Plan

    Each member receives a customized exit strategy, tailored to your business’s unique needs, offering personalized support and expert guidance.

    Yearly Business Valuation

    Our independent experts have your business valued once a year (this service is valued at $5.000). This is one of the best ways to see us break down your or other members’ valuations and see if they’re worth selling. It’s also a great way to hear what’s happening in adjacent industries and in markets around the world.

    Small Business Selling Course

    It’s an MBA you can actually use. You’ll work through 11 units at your own pace and learn everything you need to sell your small business – from understanding its value, getting it exit-ready and multiplying its value, to reaching out to brokers and buyers, selling your business for a life-changing amount, to your first 90 days as an exited owners.

    Buyer & Investor Matchmaking

    When you feel ready to sell, we help you identify the sort of buyers or investors you can sell too, match you with the right ones, support you in approaching them, get you to build your seller support team of lawyers, confidently embark on the negotiations and close on a life-changing deal.

    Exiteer Circle

    Members of the Big Exit Community who have sold their business are invited to join our Exiteer Circle, where we help you to transition into your next phase of life. From how to consciously invest your money, to navigating the after-exit life and supporting you creating your next masterpiece.

  • The Big Exit Community membership is 1 year, with the option to renew if certain conditions are met. Remember — getting your business exit-ready and selling it is a long-term game, not a one and done!

  • Is anything in life guaranteed? Let us be really clear here – we cannot make any guarantees of success or selling amounts (read our disclaimer if you’d like). But in plain English, you are responsible for your own results. Not us.

    We can provide the recipe, but you have to go out and source your own ingredients and cook the meal. We’ll be Gordon Ramsey in the kitchen yelling at you if you’re about to make a mistake (no, we don't yell at all, but you get the point). Then high-fiving and celebrating you when you close on your sale.

Tap into the

Big Exit Community